Lake Jackson Farmers Market
Lake Jackson Farmers Market 110 S. Parking Place, Lake JacksonLocally roasted coffee, homemade food, handmade products, locally grown fruits and vegetables and more. 409-877-3570
The Vaquero: The First American Cowboy Exhibit
Alden B. Dow Office Museum 101 S. Parking Place, Lake JacksonThe Lake Jackson Historical Museum is excited to bring The Vaquero: The First American Cowboy to the Alden B. Dow Office Museum. Learn about the cultural evolution of Mexican vaqueros […]
Los Vivos y Los Muertos Art Exhibit
Brazosport Center for the Arts & Sciences 400 College Blvd., CluteLos Vivos y Los Muertos is an exhibition featuring art that explores and honors the cultures, heritage, traditions and rich history of Mexico and the southwest United States with a […]
Spooky Film Series
Lake Jackson Historical Museum 249 Circle Way, Lake JacksonThe Lake Jackson Historical Museum's spooky film series is back by popular demand! Come watch a spooky movie in our Lake Theater exhibit every Saturday in October at 2 PM. […]