Brazoria County
- Brazoria County: https://www.brazoriacountytx.gov/
- Courthouse: 111 E. Locust, Angleton (979) 265-4261
- Sheriff's Office: 3602 CR 45, Angleton 1(800) 392-4321
- Tax Office: 309 Plantation, Lake Jackson (979) 297-5023
- SPCA: 141 Canna Lane, Lake Jackson (979) 285-2340
- Centerpoint Energy: Natural Gas (800) 752-8036 https://www.centerpointenergy.com
- Electrical: True Cost Plans (800) 461-3056 https://www.mytruecost.com
- Electrical: Power to Choose https://www.powertochoose.org
- Electrical: Texas Electric Rates (855) 387-4523 https://www.texaselectricrates.com
- Brazoria Telephone: 314 W. Texas, Brazoria (979) 798-2121 http://www.btel.com
- AT&T: Residential (800) 585-7928
- AT&T: Commercial (800) 559-7928
Water Connection
- City of Clute: (979) 265-2541
- City of Freeport: (979) 233-3526
- Village of Jones Creek: (979) 233-2700
- City of Lake Jackson: (979) 415-2400
- City of Oyster Creek: (979) 233-0243
- Town of Quintana: (979) 233-0848
- City of Richwood: (979) 265-2082
- Village of Surfside Beach: (979) 233-1531
- Comcast: (800) 776-9993
- Dish Network: (888) 781-6549
- Direct TV: (877) 454-3709
- City of Clute: https://www.clutetexas.gov
- City Hall: 108 E. Main (979) 265-2541
- Police/Fire: (979) 265-6194
- Parks & Recreation: (979) 265-8392
- Population: 10,482
- City of Freeport: https://www.freeport.tx.us/
- City Hall: 200 W. 2nd Street, (979)233-3526
- Police/Fire: (979) 239-1211
- Parks & Recreation: (979) 233-3306
- Population: 10,524
Jones Creek
- Village of Jones Creek: https://www.villageofjonescreektexas.com/
- City Hall: 7207 S.F. Austin Rd. (979) 233-2700
- Police/Fire: (979) 233-3091
- Population: 3,001
Lake Jackson
- City of Lake Jackson: http://www.lakejackson-tx.gov
- City Hall: 25 Oak Drive (979) 415-2400
- Police: (979) 415-2700
- Fire: (979) 415-2710
- Parks & Recreation: (979) 297-4533
- Population: 28,443
Oyster Creek
- City Hall: 3210 FM 523 (979) 233-0243 https://cityofoystercreek.org
- Police: (979) 233-0243
- Fire: (979) 233-2881
- Population: 1,185
- City of Quintana: https://www.quintanatx.gov/
- City Hall: 814 N. Lamar (979) 233-0848
- Police/Fire: (979) 388-2392
- Population: 20
- City of Richwood: https://www.richwoodtx.gov/
- City Hall, 1800 N. Brazosport Blvd.: (979) 265-2082
- Police: (979) 265-2222
- Fire: (979) 265-2222
- Municipal Court: (979) 265-8157
- Population: 5,035
Surfside Beach
- Surfside Beach: https://www.surfsidetx.org
- City Hall: 1304 Monument Dr. (979) 233-1531
- Police: (979) 233-5926
- Fire: (979) 233-1151
- Population: 585